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On 14 September 2016, pursuant to the agreement of the House of Representatives and the Senate, a Joint Standing Committee was established to inquire into and report on the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN).

The committee is composed of nine Members and eight Senators.

The closing date for submissions is 31 March 2017.

Committee Secretariat contact:

PO Box 6100

Parliament House

Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: 02 6277 3585

Fax: 02 6277 5794

If any of our customers wants to make a submission about the current NBN rollout debacle please contact me as we can do a joint submission if you like.

There is also a public hearing in Redcliffe for those businesses local to the Moreton Bay Region.

Date: Thursday 6th April

Venue: Mon Komo Hotel, 99 Marine Parade, Redcliffe

Time: 9am – 3pm

The public forum is open for anyone to attend.

Contact us today to find out how to utilise these tools

Is Digital Transformation Just Hype?

Digital Transformation is one of the biggest (and most misused) business buzzwords right now.

What many people and businesses don’t realise is that it relies heavily on two underlying stages, of digital competence and digital usage before it can happen.

In other words, a business cannot achieve any of the expected gains from Digital Transformation if they haven’t changed their underlying understanding and usage of the digital technologies that are available to them.

Yes – this means CHANGING THE WAY YOU DO BUSINESS. Without changing there is no transformation.


Most likely you are using some digital technologies in your business, Office 365, Email, mobile technologies and so on. But if your business hasn’t changed how it does things then you are missing out on the amazing benefits these technologies can provide when used the way they were designed.

Here is a short checklist: If you answer Yes to any of these then you have not fully understood what business transformations are available to your business.

  • Do you send emails with files attached?
  • Do you have meetings where people bring pads and paper and take notes?
  • Do you cancel / postpone meetings because an important person can’t be there physically?
  • Do you still have a computer server on your premises?
  • Do you keep your accounting records on a computer in your office? (E.g. MYOB etc.)

Here are some questions that if you answer No to you may be missing out on technology that is readily available, and likely being used by your competitors to gain an edge over you.

Do you have mobile EFTPOS and or mobile Sales Terminals?

  • Can you readily access your files on your phone or tablet? E.g. that sales quote you just prepared. (And not because you emailed it to yourself as an attachment )
  • Can you employ a new person and have them accessing email and data within an hour of being employed?
  • If a machine breaks down in your factory do you get an automatic alert on your phone immediately?
  • If negative feedback on social media happens, do you have a staff member who is notified immediately and deals with it to create a positive outcome?

There are many more tests of digital transformation. I suggest if you failed any of these tests above that you contact us for a discussion. Your competitors probably will.

We can also run a personalised workshop for you and your business for a flat rate of $175.

Contact us to discuss what digital transformation can do for your business

Moreton Technology Alliance – 2017 Digital Trends Function

For those in the Moreton Bay Region we warmly invite you to our next Moreton Technology Alliance function. Come along on Thursday night 20th April to have a drink and listen to the two Moreton Bay Digital Community Champions, Kate vanderVoort and James Novak, talk about the current trends in Social Media and 3D printing as they apply to business.

For all the event details and tickets ($15 includes 1 free drink) go to the MTA website


Follow Us On Social Media

As always Jethro is your web, cloud and technology specialists. I am constantly learning new things and spending time researching, playing and testing new systems and reading about other people in the IT world doing the same thing. If you want to follow along with what I share in various spaces, then connect with me:

All content © Tim Miller. Feel free to share or send these emails on. If you want to unsubscribe just reply with Unsubscribe in the subject.

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What people say..

I learnt some points that enable me to look at my business in the (way) that will improve my bottom line. Thanks Tim and Ian.

Free Business Seminar Feedback Nov 2012

— Roland - Financial Advisor

