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In today's highly competitive business environment it is critical to find ways to separate yourself from the other companies who sell the same - or similar - product and/or service. Here are several strategies that can help you accomplish this:

Help your clients achieve their goals. Virtually every business person has specific goals they are striving to achieve. These can include everything from increasing their market share and sales, to reducing operating expenses, to streamlining the business, to incorporating new business practices. Invest time learning the key objectives of each of your customers. Then determine how your products and services can help them achieve their targets. In some cases, you may not be able to help them but recommending someone who can assist them will be recognized and remembered. The more you can help them achieve their goals the more valued you will become.

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What people say..

Deciding to start a web based business was nerve wracking. With absolutely no experience in website construction or operation I was very lucky to be introduced to Jethro through a friend. Jethro developed our initial web sites for us in a very cost effective way – making sure that we understood the implications of all our design and functionality requests along the way. Tim Miller who handled all of our development and later upgrades, was always available in short order to answer questions, fix things I broke and suggest later improvements as new, better versions of web based technologies emerged. Their integrity allowed us to focus our attention on building our business and not worrying about building our website.

— Mike Biasatti - EMS Flight Crew

