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Hope you had a relaxing and safe Easter break. Did you check your email while you were away from work? Typically most people do. Did you set up an out office email response? If you didn’t remember how to do that then check out this previous newsletter where we showed you how to do it.

All our previous newsletters can be found online at

As always I am available to respond to your requests, queries and provide you with information.

Cloud Management Tips – Protecting Data in the Cloud?

Cloud data is just like computer storage in one respect – but with some big differences.

All data is subject to accidental or deliberate deletion.

If you have an adhoc approach to cloud usage, where employees bring their own cloud storage, no policies on where data is to be stored and accessed then you have potential issues if that employee leaves or accidentally or maliciously removes or deletes data. Even with a corporate storage solution like SharePoint, Box or Dropbox for Business, data can still be deleted.

2014-11-26 Walk to Park 050-580So how do you protect against that? We have numerous different solutions we can implement into a customer’s business to safeguard against that. SharePoint has some very good built in protection levels including major and minor version history with different permission levels. Access to data can be read only or edit to certain user groups. Dropbox for Business and Box Enterprise also have similar features. Putting in external backup solutions can work or implementing a cloud backup service that backs up your cloud and non-cloud data to a repository like Amazon web services or even another cloud service like google Drive can also be setup for minimal cost. Peace of mind for a few cents a day.

There is no one size fits all solution – we tailor each solution to the customer’s specific needs and risk levels.

We can sit down with you and talk about your current data management, disaster recovery and backup services you could be using to protect you against data loss. Call me to discuss today on 0414 770 002.

Office 2016 for MAC

2012-01-14 DDU2012 010-387Finally a refresh of Office for our clients using Apple Macs is close. The preview is out for those who want to take advantage of that. The current version of Office for Mac 2011 is very dated and its functionality is very limited compared to what the PC users get with Office 2013. For the last 12 months I have been suggesting users use SharePoint and Office online or the apps on the iPad for a better experience.

Watch the video to see all the updated versions of the Office programs for Mac.

Special Deal – If you are a Mac user and you currently don’t have the 2011 version installed at least let us help you with that. We can connect remotely and install it for you for $44*

*Qualifying Office 365 subscription required

Using The SUMIF Function in Excel

excel logoThe SUMIF function is one the most powerful and easy to use functions in Excel. It is used to sum the values in a column when the value in another column is equal to a certain value. E.g. In the table below you might want to know the number of casual staff in Victoria. The SUMIF function is the key to unlocking this data easily.

excel sumifRead all the instructions on how to use this powerful function online at


If you want to know more about using some of the more powerful formulas in Excel to improve your productivity then give us a call.

iPhone and iPad Apps for office 365 Email and Calendar

outlook logoIf you have an iPhone or iPad then check out either OWA or Outlook from the Apple store. Both of these free apps will connect to your Office365 Exchange email account and give you a much better experience than the standard Apple mail and calendar apps. If you are a power email user than the Outlook app is probably the best. If you need access to colour categories in calendar and tasks than the OWA app is probably better. If you are not sure install them both and trial them. I would love to hear your feedback on these Apps.

Social Media Tips and Information – Advertising on Facebook

facebook_logo-200Social Media Marketing (SMM) can be hard to understand. Facebook advertising is one of the places for businesses to be investing money – but how do you know you aren’t just throwing away your cash when you Boost posts. We recently presented an article on how to use Facebook Advertising to a business group. Feel free to view it online.

If advertising in social media seems like a foreign world or nightmare to manage (and it can be) then try out sourcing it to us. Our global team of social media experts can work with you to successfully represent your business in social media with cost effective measureable results

Web Design – Should you invest in theme design or content?


Google has announced that from 21 April sites that are not meet mobile friendly will be penalised in search. More information on what that means can be found at this site

If your site is not going to pass the test than a simple resign refresh might be the answer.

It used to be that to have a great looking website you had to spend thousands on a designer creating a theme (graphical content, visual layout and navigation elements, buttons, menus and colours) in order for you to stand out from the crowd and visually represent your brand.

However that is no longer the case. Any website developer who tells you otherwise (at the expense of creating good quality fresh content) is just feathering their own nest at the expense of your pocket. While it is true that good design is important, spending large amounts of money to get it isn’t necessarily needed. And it should never be spent in place of creating content.

Here’s why.

A responsive mobile design theme that meets Googles mobile design requirements as well as showcasing your brand and company can be purchased for as little as US$50. Within a few hours a good developer can customise (with no coding required) this theme to your needs including adding your logo, changing the colour scheme and utilising one of the several built in templates to give you a unique look. You can then spend the rest of your web development investment budget to generate the good quality content that will rank you in search engines, establish your expertise in your field, and give you great content to share in social media.

Here are some sites we have built recently or installed new themes in which in all cases the theme budget has been a maximum of $500 including purchase and configuring. In no case has there been custom code meaning that ongoing upgrades can be applied for minimum of effort and cost (in most cases covered by our maintenance SLA and performed automatically).

Note; most of these sites have plans for content creation that have yet to be implemented.










Contact us today if you need help making your site mobile friendly, or for a whole new refresh! Mention this newsletter and we will provide a free site review – normally worth $199.

Follow us on Social Media

As always we are your web, cloud and technology specialists. I am constantly learning new things and spending time researching, playing and testing new systems and reading about other people in the IT world doing the same thing. If you want to follow along with what I share in various spaces then connect with me on these platforms:

· Twitter technology, cycling, social media, management, business, and web

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· Jethro Marketing Facebook social media, marketing

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· Red Hot Snapper Facebook roller derby

All content © Tim Miller

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What people say..

The systems I'm yet to implement are more important than first thought!
Enlightening seminar presented in an entertaining manner (no glazed eyes for me) Thank you.
Feedback from Free Business Seminar Jan 2013

— Marina - Business Owner

